The lesser known

As his cold lifeless body was dragged out from a manhole from one of the lesser-known streets of Bandra, people crowded around with their cell phones on one hand while the other holding a towel covering their nose and mouth. Flashes sparked from all around no less worthy than a celebrity on the red carpet. The firefighters still struggled to keep off the crowd, but they couldn’t stop the news reporters hunting for a sensational exclusive. The blame game on news channels was already on air.

“His name is Raghuram”, a calm and emotionless face told the firefighters. His blunt expression was a statement that these type of incidents are not new. “His name is Raghuram, and that’s all I know”, he repeated. A while later an emptied garbage van came in and his sewer stained body was carried away, while his family, somewhere, waited for a portion of whatever meagre income he once had.

Published by

Syam Nair

Technocrat, Traveler, & Researcher

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